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This research aims to determine the influence of Human Capital, Innovation Organizational Climate and Competence on Employee Performance at the Regional Secretariat of North Aceh Regency. The data used in this research is primary data by distributing questionnaires, while the sampling technique is census. So the sample in the research totaled 140. The analytical method used was a quantitative method with the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) research model. The results of the research conclude that (1) Innovation Organizational Climate has an effect on competence (2) human capital has an effect on competence. (3) Competence influences employee performance. (4) Innovation Organizational Climate influences employee performance. (5) There is no influence of human capital on employee performance. (6) Competence partially mediates the relationship between the Innovation Organizational Climate variable and employee performance. (7) Competence partially mediates the relationship between human capital variables and employee performance. This means that the competency variable fully mediates the influence of the human capital variable on employee performance at the North Aceh Regional Secretariat, where previously human capital did not partially influence employee performance.
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